Discriminatory Bill SB147: The Latest Update

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the SB147 proposal on the internet. Many unofficial media outlets are spreading false news to attract more traffic, making it even more challenging for various Chinese organizations (Such as our branch office, Texas Capital News) to do their work. 

The Real International team received a number of inquiries from customers last week regarding the SB147 proposal. We have listed the most frequently asked questions by our customers and provided answers to them one by one:

Latest updates on the SB147 Bill:

Under pressure and opposition from the media and the Texas local Chinese community, the first version of the SB147 proposal submitted by Kolkhorst was revised for the first time before the hearing on March 2. It exempted green card holders on the basis of prohibiting citizens of four countries from purchasing real estate, but limited them to buying only one set of homes for owner-occupancy.

After continuous pressure from the Chinese community in Texas, on April 3, the author of the bill submitted a 2nd revised version of the proposal, fully exempting green card holders from purchasing real estate unconditionally.

On the afternoon of April 6, the Texas State Council voted, with 8 votes in favor and 2 votes against (three of the votes in favor were “conditional votes of yes,” which specified that the proposal should protect all foreign citizens with valid visas, including H, L, and F visas.) This move sent the proposal to the next legislative process in the Senate.


Q: Has the proposal passed?

A: No, the proposal is still in the Senate and has entered the next legislative process through the organizing committee. There are two more readings in the Senate, and a final vote of 31 senators is required. The current progress is shown in the red box below:

Q: If the proposal passes the Senate, is the next step implementation?

A: No, after the proposal passes the Senate, it must be sent to the House of Representatives and then go through the Organizing Committee of the House of Representatives. It will take at least three rounds of deliberation and various votes. Legislation takes a considerable amount of time to be made.

Q: If the proposal is fully passed, will all Chinese be unable to buy homes in Texas in the future?

A: Not exactly. According to the content of the latest revised version, only some Chinese will be affected. See Impact Chart below:


Impact Chart for SB147

Individual & Entity Affected Real Estate Type (Homestead) Real Estate Type (Non-Homestead)
Citizenship: US No Able to purchase without limitation
Citizenship: China

Green card: Yes

No Able to purchase without limitation
Citizenship: China

Green card: No

(including H, F visa holders)

Yes Able to purchase without limitation Land, Improvement (any properties), Mine or quarry, timber
Entity held by Chinese Citizen or government >50% Yes Able to purchase without limitation Land, Improvement (any properties), Mine or quarry, timber

Q: Will non-green card holders who purchased real estate this year be affected by the proposal?

A: No, the proposed plan is set to take effect on September 1, and properties that have already been purchased will not be affected in any way. (See Impact Chart)

Q: Will real estate purchased by non-green card holders in previous years be affected by the proposal?

A: No, any property that has already been transferred will not be affected by the proposal. (See Impact Chart)

Q: Will Real International Real Estate’s existing projects be affected by the proposal?

A: No, Real International Real Estate is a local real estate company registered in Austin, Texas, USA, and its existing projects will not be affected by the proposal.

Q: Is Texas the only state that has introduced a similar bill?

A: Unfortunately no, there are other states that have introduced similar proposals. The South Carolina and Florida State Senates have already passed a similar proposal, while Kansas has three similar proposals. New Jersey has proposed limiting Chinese purchases of agricultural land, and Senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Katie Britt of Alabama have jointly proposed the most comprehensive legislation to date to combat Chinese purchases of American land.

Q: What will happen if the proposal is passed?

A: If the proposal is passed, the Asian and Chinese communities of Texas will face serious consequences. We call on our friends and fellow businesses in Austin to join us in opposing this bill. The Real International Real Estate Association and Texas Chinese organizations plan to support CALDA in initiating a lawsuit against the Texas government.


CALDA is the first and only non-profit organization in the United States that directly provides legal representation services to Chinese victims of racial discrimination and hatred.

Q: What can I do to prevent the proposal from passing, and what should I do now?

A: You can contact the 31 Texas senators to express your opposition to the proposal. The telephone numbers of Texas senators are provided below. It is recommended to call them in the following order:

  • Angela Paxton, R, (512) 463-0108
  • Tan Parker, R, (512) 463-0112
  • Charles Perry, R, (512) 463-0128
  • Kelly Hancock, R, (512) 463-0109
  • Bob Hall, R, (512) 463-0102
  • Joan Huffman, R, (512) 463-0117
  • Drew Springer, R, (512) 463-0130
  • Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D, (512) 463-0120
  • Judith Zaffirini, D, (512) 463-0121
  • Roland Gutierrez, D, (512) 463-0119
  • Carol Alvarado, D, (512) 463-0106
  • Borris L. Miles, D, (512) 463-0113
  • Sarah Eckhardt, D, (512) 463-0114
  • Nathan Johnson, D, (512) 463-0116
  • Royce West, D, (512) 463-0123
  • Pete Flores, D, (512) 463-0124
  • Cesar J. Blanco, D, (512) 463-0129
  • Jose Menendez, D, (512) 463-0126
  • Morgan LaMantia, D, (512) 463-0127
  • John Whitmire, D, (512) 463-0115
  • Lois Kolkhorst, R, (512) 463-0118
  • Paul Bettencourt, R, (512) 463-0107
  • Bryan Hughes, R, (512) 463-0101
  • Robert Nichols, R, (512) 463-0103
  • Brandon Creighton, R, (512) 463-0104
  • Charles Schwertner, R, (512) 463-0105
  • Phil King, R, (512) 463-0110
  • Mayes Middleton, R, (512) 463-0111
  • Brian Birdwell, R, (512) 463-0122
  • Donna Campbell, R, (512) 463-0125
  • Kevin Sparks, R, (512) 463-0131

Attached below is the official revised version of the second edition of the proposal:

Below is an official statement from Texas Capital News – the largest Chinese commercial press circulation, owned by Real International:


Texas Capital News Stands with Chinese and Asian American Communities in Opposing Discriminatory Bills in Texas

Mar 24, 2023

Texas Capital News, a leading minority owned press in the Austin area for 32 years, strongly condemns the recent discriminatory bills and laws in Texas that unfairly target Chinese and Asian immigrants, such as SB147, SB552, SB711, HB2788, HB2206. These bills perpetuate harmful stereotypes and foster an environment of fear and prejudice against people of Asian descent, echoing a long history of discrimination in the United States.

In these challenging times, we convey our solidarity with other organizations. Together, we strive to protect the rights and well-being of our communities.

The proposed legislation not only unfairly paints all Chinese immigrants as potential spies, but also reinforces the racial stereotype that Asians are a threat. It is a direct continuation of discriminatory laws such as the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, Alien Land Laws in the 1880-1920s, and the Japanese internment camps during World War II.

These bills invite discrimination against anyone who appears to be Asian and will have far-reaching consequences. As a leader in the global community, Texas’ actions will likely influence other states and nations, potentially causing a chilling effect on the treatment of Asian communities worldwide.

The Asian American community is already facing heightened anxiety, uncertainty, and fear for their safety and future in the United States. This legislation only serves to exacerbate these feelings by labeling all Asians as traitors, regardless of their country of origin. It will likely incite further violence, discrimination, and hate crimes against the greater Asian American community.

Not only do these bills attack the Chinese community in America, but they also risk escalating international conflict, ultimately jeopardizing national security and national interests. Any bill that targets individual immigrants and strips them of their rights without evidence of government affiliation or individual danger is unconstitutional, unjust, and in direct violation of the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Furthermore, these bills directly violate the Texas Constitution’s Article 1, Section 3a, which prohibits discrimination based on national origin. The negative impact on the Texas economy will be felt across various industries, including oil, gas, energy, medical, aerospace, agriculture, construction, import/export, and more. Such legislation may prompt businesses and individuals to cancel contracts, leave Texas, and move to other states.

We stand in solidarity with the Chinese community and our partner organizations in opposing these discriminatory bills. We urge Texas elected officials to strike down these harmful laws and prevent the repetition of historic mistakes founded on fear and bigotry. We will continue to advocate for the rights of Chinese and Asian communities, supporting efforts to combat discrimination and foster a more inclusive society.

Texas Capital News.