From $1.8 Million to a Legacy: Charting the Success of a Strategic Investor

During the booming economic landscape of 2019, an experienced executive from China had dreams of retiring in the United States. With aspirations of a worry-free retirement, he ventured into the U.S. real estate market, initially investing in single-family homes. However, he grew frustrated with the hands-on management and hidden expenses.

He wanted a safe place for his investments while the stock market was flourishing and real estate was booming.

He also knew that rising economic uncertainties might make it more difficult to invest in the future. These underlying microeconomic indicators hinted at a brewing storm. Add in rising tensions between China and the United States, and it was clear that he needed a trusted guide and an expert plan.

A Decision Worth Millions

This investor stumbled upon a webinar hosted by Real International, a moment that would propel his journey toward success. Intrigued by our expertise, he engaged with the Real International team. After getting to know him, Real International created a customized investment portfolio tailored to his risk tolerance and goals. This plan was not just a blueprint for wealth but a roadmap to achieving his dreams of retirement, a maintenance-free lifestyle, and financial growth beyond inflation, all without the hassle of day-to-day management.

With an initial investment of $300k in fixed-income offerings to gauge the partnership, this investor’s trust in Real International deepened. Encouraged by this growing confidence, he expanded his investments to $1.8 million across diversified avenues—private equity for growth, fixed-income projects for steady cash flow, and a variety of real estate assets, from land to condos. This was done during the difficult year of 2020. With Real International as his guide, he was able to seize the moment and capture distressed assets while developers were panicking, allowing him to enhance his portfolio further.

$300k in fixed-income offerings to $1.8 million across diversified avenues

A Lucrative Portfolio and 
a Life Redefined

Today, this investor’s Real International portfolio stands at $2.7 million and is on track to potentially grow to $4.3 million in the next five years, a testament to the visionary partnership with Real International. His investments generate $150k in annual cash flow, affording him a life of generosity and leisure with his loved ones. With minimal involvement in tenant management, thanks to Real International’s property management services, he enjoys the fruits of his investments—substantial returns ranging from 14-18%, and a portfolio that not only appreciates but also sustains his lifestyle with an 8% cash-on-cash return.

In his journey with Real International, this investor found more than a financial advisor; he discovered a compass that guided him through the complexities of investment, towards the shores of success and fulfillment. His story, a blend of strategic foresight, resilience, and partnership, serves as inspiration for investors worldwide, lighting the path to prosperity with Real International at their side.

A Financial Overview of a Real International Success

Investment Highlights

Fixed-income investments paying 8-12%

2020 Condo investment

  • Investment – $700,000
  • Value – $950,000

2020 Hotel Conversion:

  • Investment – $40,000
  • Value – $170,000
Investment Returns
Starting Value

$1.8 million

Current Value

$2.7 million

Annual Free Cash Flow


IRR On the Portfolio


With our expert advice and wide range of investment opportunities, you can secure a steady income stream and enjoy the retirement you've always dreamed of.

Don’t let your retirement years be a time of financial uncertainty. Take control and invest in your future today. Contact Real International and discover how you can start building an investment portfolio that works for you.